What kind of person do I want to be?

kittens have tigers inside them
Photo by unknown via Google.

I want to feel comfortable in my own skin, be as healthy as I can be, both physically and mentally. I want to have the energy and mental fortitude to be there for others, whether they need to get something done or just need someone to listen. I want to feel rested and not easily distracted/confused due to lack of sleep.

I have done quite a bit of work on my mental health already, dealt with the garbage from the past and am now getting in the habit of more self-love and setting my boundaries. It’s a work in progress that will take me a long time to complete, but that’s ok.

My body is letting me down though. Or rather I am letting my body down as I have been barely moving since the plague hit and just before that, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, which explains my immense sugar cravings. I’ve managed to pretty much get rid of the sugar cravings, but am still struggling with sleeping problems and trying to tackle a whole lot of lack of sleep. I have noticed that I am more present now though. As in, it is less of a struggle to listen to other people talking and participating in the conversation.

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