What would you try if you weren’t afraid of failing?

Photo by cottonbro via Pexels.

Singing. I’ve been told by my mother to shut up from an early age onwards, because I couldn’t keep a tune. Well, early on it was implied, later on she told my dad I sung like crap while I was just a few feet away. I have no idea whether she did that on purpose or not. I don’t even know which would be worse, her doing it on purpose or not. Either way, ever since, I pretty much refuse to sing in public. I do sing sometimes in the car, but only when I’m alone. I have learned to tell whether I’m off key when singing along with someone, but can’t tell otherwise. Singing with a crowd is even worse. In other words, I’m very self-conscious about it and hate that as there are plenty people who can’t sing and still do.

I do regularly think about taking singing lessons. If only so I can sing along with friends and stuff. But effort, hearing disability and lack of money. And yeah, I guess also fear of rejection by a potential teacher.

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