Feeling abandoned

I keep coming back to this and always with the result of that the only person I can truly rely on is myself. I get that my daily chat group has fallen apart. Because ultimately, people will choose what is best for them and they should. But it’s leaving me with the feeling that I have been too open about how I felt, which was depressed and a lot of negativity coming out of me. And when people have their own issues to deal with, that us, of course, too much.

But it has now turned into a lack of acknowledgment. And yes, a lack of attention too, but I wasn’t counting on getting that. But seriously, thus is turning into getting completely ignored, which is childish. I am keeping my crap to myself, just to be clear. I’d rather people would come out straight and tell me they no longer wish to be friends and why. Yes, it would hurt me. But at least I wouldn’t have to wonder about what’s going on.

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