Daily Facebook check-in

What I love about me… That I keep learning and growing and don’t give up on that!

I forgot to go for a walk… I thought I had slept very poorly, but it didn’t feel like that all day. Well, I did leave my car keys in the sign in desk at work and forgot to plug my laptop in all day and didn’t notice until it was time to go home… Speaking of great battery time!

I was so engrossed in studying something I thought I wouldn’t like, but am now considering getting certified on (data engineering)! I’ve already been asked to help a co-worker set up a test environment so we can help build up knowledge in the team as well as figure out a plan for a bid we want to make. Next week should be fun!

Then when I got home I was approached about some it issues at church. The only reason I was asked is because it involves Linux and apparently I’m the only one they know who dabbles with Linux a bit. So now I have to go and try and fix that issue tomorrow evening. I stood up for myself as I offered afternoon or evening, only to get an “I’ll get back to you on that”. That person has already put me on short notice yes or no in the past, meaning I kept time free when it wasn’t always needed. I simply told him I’d appreciate to know soon as I didn’t want to keep my day available when it may not be needed. It went over well! 💪

Dinner was awfully late due to sorting out church stuff. Funnily enough, without knowing what the daily win was, I forced myself to sit down and eat slowly. Just to get the feeling of having to rush out of my system. And that worked too!

Also went to bed late, but just woke up feeling quite refreshed and having slept well for the first time this week!

So I may not have gone for a walk, but it was a great day!

I’m committing myself to go for a long walk on Saturday to make up for the forgotten one. Will report back on that tomorrow. Who knows, maybe with some nice pics too 😊

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