Push-up challenge: check. Combined it with meal prepping during breaks so I don’t feel like I’m wasting time. It may be my imagination, but it kinda felt like I could keep the negative push-up from plummeting a little longer!
Slumberjack: check. Meditating definitely beats journalling or reading right now, due to consciously relaxing my body. Unfortunately, I woke up feeling bleh thanks to sleep apnea. Not sure what’s going on there, but Fitbit confirmed large fluctuations in my oxygen levels and head felt all day like it does when I nap without my CPAP, just not as bed, thankfully.
Snack attack: sticking to portion sizes. Had cherry tomatoes and cheese. And then I blew it by having a roll of double cream Oreos. They were yum though.
Walking: check, 7 minutes only though.
Something I associate with a summer holiday… Mountains and crystal clear lakes. The Netherlands are flat and my dad always insisted we go somewhere with mountains. So we went at least to southern Germany and sometimes even to Austria or Switzerland. I absolutely love the Alps!