Had a great day although I had to battle my meds issue. Head is even more clearly telling me the dosage is too low. Thankfully GP said I can up the dosage myself as long as I inform her of what I did and why. So back to old dosage. Hopefully that’ll kick in quickly.
Cleaned and tidied my living room and most of the kitchen today. I just felt like it, so I went with the mood.
Went to my parents for my dad’s birthday and had a great time with the family. Mom made tomato soup from scratch, but with a new recipe and it was yum!
Nutrition quest was savouring a meal, I certainly savoured the soup! I’ve also gone easy on myself and settled for foods for this week that are easy to make/only require microwaving. Hopefully that’ll keep me from going for junkfood.
Just completed the push-up challenge. Did a regular plank for the first part of the exercises and regular push-up for the first set of reps.
Also got a text message confirming my NF call for tomorrow eve. Can’t wait to discuss my situation and really hope they can help me!